Starter quiz

  • The remains of Roman buildings have been found in ______.
    • England and Wales
    • England and Scotland
    • Scotland, Wales and Ireland.
    • England and Ireland.
    • England, Wales and Scotland.  ✓
  • Match the building material to where it was used in a Celtic roundhouse.
    • wattle and daub
      walls ✓
    • thatch
      roof ✓
  • What sort of structure did the Emperor Hadrian order to be built in northern Britain?
    • a wall  ✓
    • a road
    • a villa
    • a temple
  • Rich Romans built villas in the _____.
    • mountains
    • towns
    • countryside  ✓
    • hills
  • The Romans sometimes combined their own gods with Celtic ones, creating hybrids such as _______.
    • Cernunnos
    • Sulis Minerva  ✓
    • Diana
    • Zeus
    • Jupiter
  • Claudius invaded Britain in _________.
    • the 1st century CE  ✓
    • the 1st century BCE
    • the 2nd century CE
    • the 2nd century BCE