Starter quiz

  • When did Christianity start?
    • when Jesus was born
    • after Jesus died and his followers spread his teachings  ✓
    • when Constantine converted to Christianity
    • when the first Christian church was built
  • Match the word to its meaning.
    • supremacy
      ultimate power and authority ✓
    • religion
      a belief in a god or gods  ✓
    • convert
      to change to a different religion ✓
    • bishop
      a religious leader in some Christian churches ✓
  • The capital of the Eastern Roman Empire was ...
    • Constantinople  ✓
    • Rome
    • Athens
    • Judea
  • Order these leaders of the Western Roman Church according to rank from highest to lowest.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
  • What is the Holy Trinity according to Christian belief?
    • It is the three Christian gods.
    • It is three leaders of the Church.
    • It is God but He has three parts: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  ✓
  • Christians' holy text is called the ...
    • 'Bible' ✓