Starter quiz

  • Christianity started in ______ in the Middle East.
    • Rome
    • Constantinople
    • Judea  ✓
    • Athens
  • Match the word to the description of the treatment of early Christians.
    • persecution
      treated badly and unfairly because of their Christian faith ✓
    • scapegoats
      Christians were blamed for others' mistakes and wrongdoings ✓
    • martyr
      person who died or suffered rather than give up their Christian belief ✓
  • Match the emperor to the statement that describes them best.
    • Constantine
      first Christian emperor ✓
    • Diocletian
      persecuted Christians ✓
    • Justinian
      created a code of law and ordered his people to be Christian ✓
  • The bishop of Rome, also known as the ______, was believed to have supremacy over the Christian Church as a whole.
    • 'pope' ✓
  • In the Byzantine Empire, the ______ Church developed.
    • Roman Catholic
    • Eastern Orthodox  ✓
    • Latin Catholic
    • Western Orthodox
  • The Byzantines considered themselves to be ______ and.
    • Greek
    • Roman  ✓
    • Muslims
    • Christians  ✓