Starter quiz

  • What does 'invasion' mean?
    • to enter a country to explore it
    • to enter a country to learn about their culture
    • to enter a country armed and capture it  ✓
    • to enter a country to trade with it
  • Complete the sentence: The ______ invaded York.
    • 'Vikings' ✓
  • Put the events of the Viking invasion into order, starting with the earliest.
    • 1
      Ivar The Boneless and King Halfdan invade York on All Saint's Day.
    • 2
      King Aelle and King Osbert join forces to defeat the Vikings.
    • 3
      King Aelle and King Osbert's armies break through the Viking defences.
    • 4
      King Aelle and King Osbert are both killed.
    • 5
      York was made the capital of Viking territory in Britain and renamed.
  • Why was York an important strategic location?
    • It was high up on a hill.
    • It is next to the coast.
    • It was between two rivers.  ✓
    • It was on flat land.
  • When York was made the Viking captial, what did they rename it?
    • Denmark
    • Jorvik  ✓
    • Eoforwic
    • London
  • Why did the population of Viking York grow?
    • due to its restored buildings and houses
    • due to its popularity as a trading centre  ✓
    • due to its location between two rivers
    • due to its famous theatres and temples