Starter quiz

  • What is an artefact?
    • a story or legend from the past
    • an object made by nature, such as a shell
    • an object made by people in the past  ✓
    • an object made by people today
  • Complete the sentence. A ______ is a metal stamp used to imprint a design on a coin.
    • 'coin die' ✓
  • What image on one of the coin dies represented Thor, the Norse God of Thunder?
    • shield
    • sword
    • hammer  ✓
    • helmet
  • What were the ice skates found at Coppergate made from?
    • plastic
    • bone  ✓
    • wood
    • metal
  • Which of the below were artefacts excavated at Coppergate?
    • wooden board games  ✓
    • books and magazines
    • padlocks and keys  ✓
    • dresses and clothes
  • Where is it thought that the wood board games that were excavated came from, in Viking times?
    • Byzantium
    • Russia
    • Egypt
    • Scandinavia  ✓