Starter quiz

  • What was an important outcome of Edward's brutal campaign in Scotland?
    • the division among the Scottish clans
    • the end of Scottish resistance
    • the strengthening of a common Scottish identity  ✓
  • Why was Stirling Bridge important?
    • It was the first bridge across the River Forth.  ✓
    • It was the longest bridge in medieval Europe.
    • It was the only bridge connecting Scotland and England.
  • Match the following words to their correct definitions.
    • guerilla
      a small military force making unexpected attacks  ✓
    • outlaw
      a person who has broken the law and lives separately from society ✓
    • causeway
      a raised path, especially across a wet area ✓
    • chainmail
      a material made of small metal rings for armour  ✓
  • Edward’s brutal campaign in Scotland later earned him the nickname ‘ ______ of the Scots.’
    • 'Hammer' ✓
  • Why was the Battle of Stirling Bridge an important victory for the Scottish resistance?
    • It ended English claims over Scotland.
    • It led to the capture of Edward I and the defeat of his army.
    • It strengthened Scottish resistance against English rule.  ✓
  • In 1306, Robert the ______ murdered a rival Scottish claimant and declared himself king of Scotland.
    • 'Bruce' ✓