Starter quiz

  • What does 'succession' mean?
    • To succeed at something, such as scoring high on a test.
    • To become king or queen by defeating a rival in battle.
    • Growth in the economy, such as many people in a country becoming richer.
    • The process of inheriting a title, such as becoming a king or queen.  ✓
  • What was the name of Elizabeth's suitor who was also her childhood friend?
    • 'Robert Dudley' ✓
  • Which of Elizabeth's suitors had previously been married to her sister, Mary I?
    • Robert Devereux
    • Robert Dudley
    • Philip II  ✓
    • William of Orange
  • Which of these was used as propaganda by Elizabeth?
    • poems
    • portraits  ✓
    • posters
    • public executions
  • What was the normal expectation for a royal woman during Elizabeth's time period?
    • to rule alongside her husband, the king, as an equal
    • to offer advice to the king as his main advisor
    • to organise festivals and charity events
    • to have children and continue the family name  ✓
  • Why was it considered a problem that Elizabeth never had a child?
    • there was no one to look after her when she got older
    • there was no obvious person to rule after her when she died  ✓
    • no one else wanted to be the ruler of England after she died
    • it meant that England would have been ruled by Spain again