Starter quiz

  • Put these people in the order of how powerful they were in Medieval England, starting with the most powerful.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
  • William the Conqueror was duke of which duchy?
    • Anjou
    • Normandy  ✓
    • Wessex
  • Match the words with the correct definitions.
    • invasion
      to enter a country by force with large numbers of soldiers ✓
    • succession
      a process in which someone automatically inherits the throne ✓
    • empire
      when one person or group rules over many countries ✓
  • What percentage of the land did the Church own in medieval England?
    • 0%
    • 15%
    • 25%  ✓
  • Which 1066 battle was fought between the Normans and Anglo-Saxons?
    • Battle of Hastings  ✓
    • Battle of Hertford
    • Battle of Stamford Bridge
  • What is the definition of a 'claim'?
    • to make a demand, to set out your rights to something  ✓
    • to make a submission, to deny your rights to something