Starter quiz

  • What was the dominant religion in medieval Europe?
    • 'Christianity' ✓
  • Write the missing word. The __________ Ocean separates Europe from the Americas.
    • 'Atlantic' ✓
  • Match the key words with their definitions.
    • indigenous
      people inhabiting an area before the arrival of colonists ✓
    • Native American
      original inhabitants of the Americas ✓
    • empire
      a group of countries ruled from the centre by one group ✓
  • When did Europeans first settle in the Americas?
    • 9th century
    • 11th century  ✓
    • 13th century
    • 15th century
  • Select the statement which is most accurate about empires.
    • Empires have only ever been created by European countries.
    • Empires have only existed over the last 600 years.
    • Empires have been created by European and non-European countries.  ✓
    • Empires only existed in ancient history.
  • Which of the following groups is indigenous to the Americas?
    • Chinese
    • Romans
    • Aztecs  ✓
    • French
    • Egyptians