Starter quiz

  • Match the words with their definitions.
    • poverty
      is the state of being extremely poor. ✓
    • monasteries
      buildings occupied by a community of monks living under religious vows ✓
    • rebellion
      an act of armed resistance against a government or leader. ✓
  • Why do people at the time and today regard Elizabeth’s reign as a ‘Golden Age’? Select all of the correct answers.
    • England set up colonies in America.  ✓
    • There was an increase in literacy rates.  ✓
    • There were new inventions.  ✓
    • The monasteries were dissolved.
  • What does referring to the Elizabethan period as a ‘Golden Age’ fail to take into account?
    • the high levels of poverty  ✓
    • negative interpretations of Elizabeth I
    • Henry VIII’s Break with Rome in 1534
  • Why did unemployment increased dramatically as the 16th century progressed? Select all of the statements that are correct.
    • The population increased from 2.3 million in 1524 to 4 million in 1599.  ✓
    • Many soldiers were unemployed.  ✓
    • Sheep farming and enclosures became more popular.  ✓
    • Many people didn't want to work.
  • What happened to London's population over the Tudor period (1485-1603)?
    • It shrank from 200 000 in 1485 to just 50 000 people in 1603.
    • It increased from 50 000 people in 1500 to 200 000 people by 1603.  ✓
    • Lack of food meant London's population could not grow above 50 000 people.
  • Which two countries experienced large-scale rebellions linked to poverty in the 1590s?
    • Austria  ✓
    • Finland  ✓
    • England
    • The Netherlands