Starter quiz

  • Which of the following helped the most with the worst problems that the poor faced during the early Tudor period?
    • monasteries  ✓
    • the rich
    • the government
  • Travelling poor people were known as ______.
    • 'vagabonds' ✓
  • Which Tudor king introduced the death penalty for a second offence of begging?
    • Henry VII
    • Henry VIII
    • Edward VI  ✓
  • What was the intent of the 1551 Poor Act passed by Edward VI?
    • instructed every parish to collect money from the rich to be given to the poor  ✓
    • people caught begging were sold into slavery for two years
    • the impotent poor could apply for licences to beg in certain areas of a town
  • Which groups of people had to attend houses of correction following an act passed by Elizabeth I in 1575?
    • the idle  ✓
    • the able-bodied poor  ✓
    • the impotent poor
  • Match the name of the act introduced by Elizabeth I with its action.
    • 1572 Vagabonds Act
      punished beggars by burning a hole through their ear ✓
    • 1563 Act for the Relief of the Poor
      fined any rich person who did not help the poor in their parish ✓
    • 1601 Poor Relief Act
      divided the poor into three categories ✓