Starter quiz

  • Match the words with their definitions.
    • depiction
      a representation of someone or something in words or pictures. ✓
    • symbolism
      the use of objects or pictures to represent ideas or qualities. ✓
    • interpretation
      an historian’s opinion about past events. ✓
  • What were royal progresses?
    • the journeys that Elizabeth and her court made from one stately home to another  ✓
    • when Elizabeth won in a negotiation with another country
    • Elizabeth's accumulation of weath
  • Whose right hand did Elizabeth I have chopped off in 1579?
    • John Stubbs  ✓
    • the French Catholic Duke of Anjou
    • John Foxe
    • Edmund Spense
  • The name given to the rousing speech that Elizabeth I gave in 1601 which increase her support was the ______.
    • 'Golden Speech' ✓
  • Which of the following are examples of historians interpretations of Elizabeth I?
    • She is one of England’s greatest rulers.  ✓
    • William Cecil, Lord Burghley, was the real power behind the throne.  ✓
    • She was merely a lucky queen who hated making decisions and so often didn’t.  ✓
  • Elizabeth's portraits often contained ______ to represent a particular message that she wanted to convey to her subjects.
    • 'symbols' ✓