Starter quiz

  • Which of the following is an example of a blood sport?
    • cockfighting  ✓
    • archery
    • bear-baiting  ✓
  • Which sport was banned by Henry VIII for being too violent?
    • bear-baiting
    • archery
    • football  ✓
  • Why was there so much rural poverty in Elizabethan England?
    • There were not many sheep and so the lords could not profit from selling wool.
    • Sheep farming resulted in fewer jobs for the poor.  ✓
    • Population growth meant that more rural people were competing for fewer jobs.  ✓
    • Most people didn't want to work.
  • Why did many people leave the local area without the local lord’s permission even though it was illegal?
    • to find food  ✓
    • to find work  ✓
    • to find shelter  ✓
    • to find sports like bear-baiting
  • Why did London become the fastest growing city in Elizabethan England?
    • due to the opportunites such as sport and theatre
    • because the birth rate was higher than the death rate
    • due to the huge numbers of rural poor making their way to the city  ✓
  • By how much did the price of grain increase between 1500-1650?
    • sixfold  ✓
    • 80%
    • 10%