Starter quiz

  • What was the 1601 Poor Law was designed to eliminate?
    • the negative attitudes of the lords towards poor farmers
    • the issues of vagrancy and begging  ✓
    • the concern that blood sports attracted criminals and drunken behaviour
  • Which one of the following was a significant consequence of the dissolution of the monasteries?
    • Many people were forced to become vagrants and beggars.  ✓
    • Poor people were unable to use religious buildings.
    • Government had to find alternative buildings to support vagrants and beggars.
  • The name of the most far-reaching act to support those living in poverty, passed in 1601 is ______.
    • 'the Poor Law' ✓
  • Which monarch passed the Vagabonds Act in 1572?
    • 'Elizabeth I' ✓
  • Under which of the three categories outlined in the 1601 Poor Law could orphaned children become apprentices to craftsmen?
    • the impotent poor
    • the idle poor
    • the able-bodied poor
  • The group of poor people who were able to work but chose not to were the called the ______.
    • 'idle poor' ✓