Starter quiz

  • In what city was the Islamic religion founded in 610 CE?
    • 'Mecca' ✓
  • Which of the below were the nomadic tribes who converted to Islam once it had spread to North Africa in 665 CE?
    • the Tuareg
    • the Maasai
    • the Berbers  ✓
    • the Bedouins
  • Order these events, starting with the earliest.
    • 1
      Islam founded by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
    • 2
      Islam spreads to North Africa
    • 3
      Islam spreads to parts of China
    • 4
      Ghana Empire displays evidence of strong Islamic connections
  • What is one of the characteristics that Islam most values?
    • wealth
    • power
    • knowledge  ✓
    • fame
  • What was a griot?
    • a merchant-adventurer
    • a artisan-craftsperson
    • a poet-historian  ✓
  • What became prized possessions following the spread of Islam in the Mali Empire?
    • books and manuscripts  ✓
    • jewellery and gems
    • money and coins
    • swords and shields