Starter quiz

  • What is the Sahel?
    • A river in West Africa.
    • The name given to a king's palace in West Africa.
    • A dry region bordering the southern Sahara Desert.  ✓
    • A rich salt mine in the Sahara Desert.
  • How did the Carthaginian explorer Hanno first make contact with West Africa?
    • He walked across the Sahara Desert.
    • He sailed along the west coast of Africa.  ✓
    • He rode a horse through the Congo rainforest.
    • He rowed a boat down the Nile.
  • Which religion spread into Africa in the 7th century?
    • 'Islam' ✓
  • Which two of the following tribes acted as guides for travellers and traders journeying across the Sahara Desert?
    • Berber  ✓
    • Lakota
    • Nanman
    • Sami
    • Tuareg  ✓
  • Complete the sentence: the Ghana Empire was nicknamed 'the land of ______'.
    • 'gold' ✓
  • Place these empires in chronological order.
    • 1
      The Egyptian Empire
    • 2
      The Roman Empire
    • 3
      The Ghana Empire
    • 4
      The British Empire