Starter quiz

  • ______ was the form of Christianity practised in the Byzantine Empire.
    • 'Eastern Orthodox' ✓
  • The destruction of holy images is known as ______.
    • 'iconoclasm' ✓
  • Starting with the earliest, sort the following events into the order in which they happened. Use numbers to show the correct order.
    • 1
      City founded as a Greek colony
    • 2
      Constantine converts to Christianity
    • 3
      City renamed Constantinople
    • 4
      Roman Empire splits into East and West
    • 5
      Western Roman Empire collapses
  • Why was Justinian I known as ‘the emperor who never sleeps’?
    • He struggled to sleep at night.
    • He had an impressive work ethic.  ✓
    • He enjoyed attending parties.
  • Which two of the following weakened the Byzantine Empire from within?
    • conflicts over religion  ✓
    • invasions by Germanic tribes
    • violent changes of rulers  ✓
    • loss of territory in wars
  • Which group posed a new major threat to the Byzantine Empire in the 11th century?
    • Arabic Muslims
    • Germanic tribes
    • Seljuk Turks  ✓
    • Slavic tribes