Starter quiz

  • Write the missing word. Lord Liverpool's government was described as ______ because it opposed social progress and reform.
    • 'reactionary' ✓
  • What is universal suffrage?
    • system where all adults can vote  ✓
    • system where all men can vote
    • system where all women can vote
    • system where all taxpayers can vote
  • What did the violent attack by local yeomanry on a crowd at St Peter's Field in Manchester become known as?
    • Policeman's Massacre
    • Peterloo Massacre  ✓
    • Manchester Massacre
    • Petrograd Massacre
  • Which two groups were commonly employed in cotton mills?
    • children  ✓
    • skilled men
    • skilled women
    • unskilled women  ✓
  • Which statement is most accurate?
    • The Peterloo Massacre encouraged the government to pass revolutionary laws
    • The Peterloo Massacre encouraged the government to pass radical laws
    • The Peterloo Massacre encouraged the government to pass reactionary laws  ✓
  • Starting with the earliest, sort the events into chronological order.
    • 1
      Corn Laws passed
    • 2
      Public anger towards the government grows
    • 3
      A large crowd meets at St Peter's Field
    • 4
      Manchester yeomanry kill peaceful protestors
    • 5
      Government introduces the Six Acts