Starter quiz

  • The year 1700 is part of the ______ century.
    • '18th' ✓
  • What type of work is agriculture often associated with?
    • factory work
    • farm work  ✓
    • fashion work
    • film work
  • What type of work is industry often associated with?
    • factory work  ✓
    • farm work
    • fashion work
    • film work
  • Which group made up the majority of England's population in the 17th century?
    • lords
    • merchants
    • peasants  ✓
    • priests
  • Write the missing word. A short period which involves major changes is often referred to as a...
    • 'revolution' ✓
  • Starting with the earliest, sort the following events into chronological order.
    • 1
    • 2
      English Civil War
    • 3
      French Revolution
    • 4
      World War One