Starter quiz

  • Which one of these is not a way in which the Gesta Guillelmi seeks to justify or strengthen William’s claim to the throne?
    • It states that Edward promised William the throne.
    • It states that Harold promised to support William’s claim.
    • It states that Harold was a treacherous liar who broke his promises.
    • It states that William often had to fight wars against other Norman lords.  ✓
  • Which one of the following best explains why historians think carefully about the claims reported in the Gesta Guillelmi?
    • It was written by someone who knew William of Normandy very well.
    • William of Poitiers was a priest, not a trained historian.
    • It was written to set out reasons why William’s claim was the strongest.  ✓
    • It was written soon after the events of the succession crisis.
  • Some of the events shown in the Bayeux Tapestry are corroborated by other sources, such as the Gesta Guillemi. Which one of the following is the best definition of ‘corroborated’?
    • supported  ✓
    • proved to be wrong
    • corrected
    • explained
    • contradicted
  • The Normans replaced Anglo-Saxon churches and cathedrals with buildings in a style known as __________.
    • Romanesque  ✓
    • Arabesque
    • Gothic
    • Classical
  • Which of these facts about Totnes castle are true?
    Which of these facts about Totnes castle are true?
    • Totnes town already had strong fortifications before the Norman Conquest.  ✓
    • Totnes castle was built following rebellions in the south west in 1068.  ✓
    • The motte of Totnes castle is 17.5 metres high.  ✓
    • The first castle at Totnes had stone walls rather than a wooden fence.
  • Which of the following can historians work out from studying the Domesday Book?
    • How Anglo-Saxons felt about being ruled by Normans.
    • How much land William held personally as king.  ✓
    • How much land was taken from Anglo-Saxons and granted to Normans.  ✓
    • How the Norman Conquest changed how much land was worth.  ✓


  • Q4: "Winchester Cathedral, Interior, Hampshire" by JackPeasePhotography is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

  • Q5: "Totnes Castle" by Phil Gayton is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
