Starter quiz

  • Match up each keyword with its correct definition.
    • collectivisation
      Soviet policy of grouping together and modernising farms ✓
    • industrialisation
      process of building up a country's manufacturing abilities ✓
    • revolution
      a period of sudden and significant change in a society ✓
  • Write the missing word. Karl Marx was responsible for developing the set of political ideas known as ...
    • 'communism' ✓
  • Write the missing word. In 1922, the Communist Party renamed Russia the ______ Union.
    • 'Soviet' ✓
  • Who led the USSR after 1924?
    • Lenin
    • Provisional Government
    • Stalin  ✓
    • Tsar Nicholas II
  • Which example best demonstrates the lack of modernisation in Russian agriculture by 1927?
    • majority of the population lived in rural areas
    • relatively few tractors were used for farming  ✓
    • many factories were staffed by unskilled workers
  • Starting with the earliest, sort the following events into chronological order.
    • 1
      Russia ruled by Tsar Nicholas II
    • 2
      February Revolution
    • 3
      Russia led by the Provisional Government
    • 4
      October Revolution
    • 5
      Russia led by Lenin's Bolshevik Party