Starter quiz

  • Which of the following kingdoms was ruled by Mansa Musa in the 1300s?
    • Britain
    • Mali  ✓
    • Mecca
    • Songhay
  • What were most merchants travelling to West Africa to find from the 1300s?
    • 'Gold' ✓
  • Which of of the following were kingdoms in West Africa in the 14th and 15th centuries?
    • Mali  ✓
    • Morocco
    • Songhay  ✓
    • Kaabu  ✓
    • Aksum
  • Which of the following are the best locations for trade?
    • coastal areas  ✓
    • near rivers  ✓
    • inland
    • mountainous regions
  • Which of the following explains why a kingdom might lose its power?
    • Another country taking over their trade.  ✓
    • Building new trading relationships.
    • Sending merchants to explore new land and trade routes.
    • Trading expensive goods for less valuable goods.  ✓
    • Having to fight against several rebellions.  ✓
  • Which religion had spread across West Africa by 1400?
    • 'Islam' ✓