Starter quiz

  • Which of the following countries was the last to declare war in the 'July Crisis' of 1914?
    • Austria-Hungary
    • Britain  ✓
    • France
    • Russia
    • Spain
  • Match each key word to the correct definition
    • partitioned
      when a country is divided into two or more smaller countries ✓
    • rationing
      to allow people to have a fixed amount of something ✓
    • censorship
      to prevent the sharing of information considered unsuitable ✓
    • munitions
      military weapons or equipment needed for military weapons ✓
    • Home Rule
      when a country is given some independence ✓
  • What was introduced in Britain in 1916 to recruit more British men into the army?
    • 'Conscription' ✓
  • Starting with the earliest, sort the following events into the order in which they happened.
    • 1
      The 'July Crisis' is triggered by Austria-Hungary declaring war on Serbia.
    • 2
      Britain enter the war, by declaring war on Germany.
    • 3
      Lord Kitchener begins his recruitment campaign.
    • 4
      2.5 million men voluntarily sign up to join the British army.
    • 5
      Conscription is introduced in Britain.
    • 6
      More people are needed in the British workforce with millions of men at war.
  • Which of these statements best describes the position of Ireland by 1914?
    • As a British colony, all Irish people were fighting for full independence.
    • Many in Ireland wanted varying levels of independence from Britain.  ✓
    • As part of the UK, all Irish people were happy to obey the British government.
  • Which of these statements best describes the position of women in Britain by 1914?
    • Although millions of women worked, they were not legally equal to men.  ✓
    • No woman was allowed to work.
    • A limited number of women could vote, but only if they were wealthy enough.
    • No woman was able to vote.  ✓