Starter quiz

  • Write the missing word. If groups of people are ______, they have been separated from other groups because of a characteristic such as their race.
    • 'segregated' ✓
  • What happened to the prices of agricultural goods in the USA after 1920?
    • rose
    • stayed the same
    • fell  ✓
  • Where did most recent immigrants in the USA come from in the 1920s?
    • southern and eastern Asia
    • southern and eastern Europe  ✓
    • northern and western Asia
    • northern and western Europe
  • What name was often given to established groups of immigrants in the USA in the 1920s?
    • BEEs
    • BUGs
    • FLYs
    • WASPs  ✓
  • Which example best demonstrates that Native Americans did not enjoy a boom in the 1920s?
    • land on Reservations was usually of poor quality  ✓
    • Native American population grew between 1920 and 1930
    • Native Americans were indigenous to the Americas
    • some forms of Native American worship were outlawed  ✓
  • Which example best demonstrates that American farmers suffered from tariffs?
    • new technology led to American farmers overproducing food
    • extra taxes on American food exports made them less competitive  ✓
    • the number of people employed in American agriculture fell