Starter quiz

  • Write the missing word. The Model T was designed and manufactured by Henry ...
    • 'Ford' ✓
  • Which American political party introduced laissez-faire policies during the 1920s?
    • Conservative Party
    • Democrat Party
    • Labour Party
    • Republican Party  ✓
  • Write the missing word. Racial ______ involves treating people unfairly because of their race.
    • 'discrimination' ✓
  • Which statement is most accurate?
    • Henry Ford allowed his workers to join trade unions
    • Henry Ford encouraged his workers to join trade unions
    • Henry Ford opposed his workers joining trade unions  ✓
  • Match each industry with the correct description of how it benefitted from increased car production and ownership.
    • construction industry
      $1 billion worth of roads were built per year ✓
    • hospitality industry
      provided roadside restaurants and hotels for drivers ✓
    • oil industry
      supplied increased demand for petrol ✓
    • rubber industry
      supplied key goods used to manufacture cars ✓
  • Starting with the first step, sort the following developments into order to explain how car manufacturing benefitted the oil industry.
    • 1
      cars like the Model T mass produced
    • 2
      car prices fell
    • 3
      more Americans were able to own a car
    • 4
      more drivers on American roads
    • 5
      demand for petrol increases
    • 6
      new jobs and investment generated in the oil industry