Starter quiz

  • Write the missing word. A ______ is a person who who believes in sharing wealth equally.
    • 'communist' ✓
  • Which groups were targeted during the Palmer Raids in 1919 and 1920?
    • anarchists  ✓
    • capitalists
    • communists  ✓
    • industrialists
  • Write the missing word. The ______ Scare was a period in America lasting into the early 1920s when there was intense fear and paranoia of anarchist and communist threats.
    • 'Red' ✓
  • Which of the following groups were often suspected of being anarchists and communists in 1920s America?
    • African Americans
    • factory owners
    • Native Americans
    • recent immigrants  ✓
    • trade unionists  ✓
  • Starting with the earliest, sort the following events into chronological order.
    • 1
      Communists take power in Russia following revolution
    • 2
      Seattle General Strike
    • 3
      Mayor of Seattle claims strikers wanted a revolution
    • 4
      Trade union membership in the USA declines
  • Which example best demonstrates that the Red Scare led to increased racial intolerance in the USA?
    • introduction of Prohibition
    • Sacco and Vanzetti case  ✓
    • St Valentine's Day Massacre