Starter quiz

  • What best describes the effect of laissez-faire policies?
    • governments avoid interfering with the economy  ✓
    • governments interfere with the economy
    • governments take complete control over the economy
  • What happened to the US economy in the 1920s?
    • experienced no growth
    • experienced some growth
    • experienced significant growth  ✓
  • Why did countries like Britain and France have to pay large sums of money to the USA during the 1920s?
    • Britain and France owed the USA reparations for damages caused during WWI
    • Britain and France promised aid to the USA after WWI
    • Britain and France owed the USA for loans taken out during WWI  ✓
  • Which products are consumer goods?
    • cars  ✓
    • cranes
    • radios  ✓
    • railways
    • ships
  • Write the missing word. The US experienced a cycle of ______ as different causes of economic growth affected one another and accelerated growth.
    • 'prosperity' ✓
  • Sort the following into order to explain how hire purchase schemes contributed to economic growth.
    • 1
      consumers allowed to buy goods by making small payments spread out over time
    • 2
      more people can afford to purchase consumer goods
    • 3
      sales of consumer goods increase
    • 4
      production of consumer goods increases to meet higher demand
    • 5
      businesses employ more workers and incraese wages