Starter quiz

  • Write the missing word (beginning with R). Food, money or services provided to people in need is called ______.
    • 'relief' ✓
  • Who was president at the time that the Great Depression began?
    • Calvin Coolidge
    • Herbert Hoover  ✓
    • Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • Why was the Hawley-Smoot tariff a problem?
    • It taxed American businesses.
    • It encouraged businesses to overproduce.
    • It led Europeans to increase their own tariffs.  ✓
  • What did the Bonus Army ask for in 1932?
    • a change in government
    • new jobs in the US Army
    • a revolution
    • early payment of war pensions  ✓
  • How did Hoover's idea of 'rugged individualism' affect his initial response to the Great Depression?
    • It led him to fund extensive public works programmes.
    • It led him to avoid providing much government support.  ✓
    • It led him fund education programmes to help each American.
  • Starting with earliest, sort the following steps to explain how Roosevelt planned to help the economy recover.
    • 1
      increase government funding for public works.
    • 2
      New jobs generated in areas such as construction.
    • 3
      People have more money to spend.
    • 4
      Businesses sell more and can begin to grow again.
    • 5
      Employment rises further.
    • 6
      US economy recovers from the Great Depression.