Starter quiz

  • A ______ is a person whose job involves joining pieces of metal together.
    • 'riveter' ✓
  • Which of the following statements is a description given by Douglas MacArthur, an army general, of the Women’s Army Corps?
    • Douglas MacArthur called the WACs “my best soldiers”.
    • Douglas MacArthur called the WACs “my worst soldiers”.
    • Douglas MacArthur called the WACs “my powerful soldiers”.
  • Which of the following statements is evidence for discrimination affecting Black nurses in the Army Nurse Corps?
    • They were not paid for their work.
    • They could not treat White patients.  ✓
    • They were not given proper training.
  • Which laws legalising racial segregation remained in place throughout WW2?
    • Jim Crow  ✓
    • Fair Employment Practice Committee
    • the Double V Campaign
  • What was the name of the campaign supporting the USA’s war aims to promote democracy and freedom abroad and for African Americans at home?
    • 'Double V Campaign' ✓
  • A system of limiting the amount of something that each person is allowed to have is ______.
    • 'rationing' ✓