Starter quiz

  • A ______ is a military tactic where soldiers stood in a long line overlapping their shields to form a wall of shields.
    • 'shield wall' ✓
  • A ______ is when soldiers pretend to draw back in order to lure the enemy into a more vulnerable position.
    • 'feigned retreat' ✓
  • What had prevented Duke William of Normandy and his army from invading England since the beginning of August?
    • They were not yet equipped.
    • Bad weather prevented his ships from sailing.  ✓
    • There was unrest in the Norman army.
  • Where was Harold Godwin when Duke William of Normandy and his army set sail across the English Channel?
    • York  ✓
    • London
    • Wessex
    • Pevensey
  • Who was at the centre of the Norman army formation?
    • knights
    • archers
    • infantry
    • soldiers
    • William, Duke of Normandy  ✓
  • Starting with the earliest, sort these events into the order in which they happened.
    • 1
      Harold occupied the hilltop with a shield wall.
    • 2
      Norman archers and knights’ charges are ineffective.
    • 3
      A section of the Norman army feigned retreat.
    • 4
      The English shield wall is broken and Harold is killed.