Starter quiz

  • A ______ is a person who declares their belief that they have a right to something.
    • 'claimant' ✓
  • ______ is a prince of royal blood.
    • 'Aethling' ✓
  • Who did the Witan nominate to be their leader?
    • Duke William of Normandy
    • Edgar the Aethling
    • Harald Hardrada
    • Harold Godwinson  ✓
  • Why was there no heir to succeed the throne of Edward the Confessor?
    • Harold Godwinson had exiled the son of Edward the Confessor.
    • Edward and his wife, Edith, had no children.  ✓
    • The legitimate heir had renounced their claim to the throne.
  • What did Harold Godwinson discover a few weeks after his coronation?
    • that William was building a fleet of ships to invade England  ✓
    • that Edgar the Aethling was building a fleet of ships to invade England
    • that Harald Hardrada was building a fleet of ships to invade England
  • What gave William, Duke of Normandy, religious legitimacy in his claim to the throne?
    • William then convinced the Pope to support his claim as well.  ✓
    • William had been made a saint by the Pope.
    • William was a generous donor to Westminster Abbey.