Starter quiz

  • What is the name of an important source for the study of the Battle of Hastings, made as an embroidery on linen?
    • 'Bayeux Tapestry' ✓
  • Who led the Normans when they invaded Britain in 1066?
    • William the Conqueror  ✓
    • Edward the Confessor
    • Harold Godwinson
    • Harald Hardrada
  • Which of the statements below provides the best definition of a barbarian, as seen by the Romans?
    • people outside the Roman Empire who were perceived as uncivilised  ✓
    • people outside the Roman Empire who were perceived as civilised
    • people outside the Roman Empire who were perceived as dangerous
  • Match the words with their definitions.
    • Invasion
      when a country enters another with the intention of occupying it ✓
    • Empire
      a large area often made up of different territories and peoples ✓
    • Power
      the ability to influence, control, or direct the behaviour of people  ✓
  • Which statement below is the best definition of migration?
    • the process of moving from one place to another with the intention to settle  ✓
    • the process of moving across international borders
    • escaping from war
  • Which statement below is the best definition of settlement?
    • a temporary movement of people to a new place
    • the process of establishing a community in a new location.  ✓
    • the process of moving from one place to another