Starter quiz

  • Across the country, how many people took part in the Moratorium to End the War in Vietnam demonstrations in 1969?
    • roughly 1 million
    • roughly 10 million
    • roughly 15 million  ✓
    • roughly 25 million
  • Complete this sentence: Nixon publicly stated that demonstrations would have no effect on him because 'policy made in the streets equals __________'.
    • anarchy  ✓
    • calamity
    • indecision
    • violence
  • How do we know that many American people liked Nixon's 'Silent Majority' speech?
    • There were public demonstrations supporting Nixon immediately afterwards.
    • Anti-war demonstrations decreased dramatically.
    • His approval ratings jumped by more than 30%.  ✓
    • Historians are unsure whether people did like it or not.
  • What does 'patriotism' mean?
    • a great love for one’s own country  ✓
    • a deep dislike for one's own country
    • a fear and hatred towards foreign countries
    • a desire to travel and see foreign countries
  • Complete the sentence with a fraction: more than 100 people were injured in the Hard Hat Riot, roughly ______ of them women.
    • 'a quarter' ✓
  • What two gifts were presented to President Nixon by the leaders of the Hard Hats?
    • American flag badge  ✓
    • a signed photo
    • a hard hat  ✓
    • a Macy's gift card
    • a pair of overalls