Starter quiz

  • How long after he became president did it take Nixon to open peace negotiations with North and South Vietnam?
    • 1 day
    • 5 days  ✓
    • 2 weeks
    • 1 month
  • Complete the sentence: the Ho Chi ______ Trail enabled North Vietnam to move troops and equipment into South Vietnam.
    • 'Minh' ✓
  • Roughly how many miles did the jungle paths that linked North Vietnam with South Vietnam stretch for?
    • '12 000' ✓
  • When did the US and South Vietnam invade Cambodia?
    • March 1969  ✓
    • March 1970
    • March 1971
    • March 1972
  • Nixon ordered that the US troops should limit their invasion of Cambodia to within a limit of how many miles?
    • 10 miles
    • 19 miles  ✓
    • 32 miles
    • 45 miles
  • By the end of the Easter Offensive in 1972, what percentage of South Vietnamese land did North Vietnam control?
    • '10%' ✓