Starter quiz

  • What ideologies was the Cold War fought between?
    • capitalism and fascism
    • communism and capitalism  ✓
    • fascism and communism
  • Match the keyword to its definition.
    • containment
      a foreign policy strategy during the Cold War ✓
    • communism
      political ideology wherein everybody is equal ✓
    • capitalism
      economic system based on private ownership ✓
  • Put the following events related to Vietnam in chronological order.
    • 1
      Viet Minh fight the French
    • 2
      President Eisenhower supports Diem in South Vietnam
    • 3
      America's involvement in Vietnam escalates
    • 4
      Large-scale protests against the war in Vietnam
  • What was the primary reason for President Eisenhower supporting Diem in South Vietnam?
    • to economically develop South Vietnam
    • to contain the spread of communism  ✓
    • to provide humanitarian aid
    • to offer a military alliance
  • Complete the sentence: large-scale ______ in America became more frequent as the Vietnam War continued.
    • 'protests' ✓
  • Complete the sentence: The ______ Offensive in 1968 had a dramatic impact on the American public's perception of the war.
    • 'Tet' ✓