Starter quiz

  • Which of the following activists helped to found the NAACP?
    • W.E.B. Du Bois  ✓
    • Ida B. Wells  ✓
    • Mahatma Gandhi
    • Martin Luther King Jr
  • Match the words with their definitions.
    • segregation
      when different groups of people are forcefully kept separate or apart ✓
    • civil rights
      to have political and social freedom and equality ✓
    • lynch
      to kill someone for an offence without a trial ✓
  • Which of the following correctly describes the impact of the Jim Crow laws?
    • They resulted in the segregation of schools.  ✓
    • They had been introduced in every southern state, and some northern states.  ✓
    • If a Black American was to break these laws, they could be lynched.  ✓
  • Who was the President of the USA in both 1954 and 1957?
    • Dwight D. Eisenhower  ✓
    • Franklin D. Roosevelt
    • Herbert Hoover
    • Harry S. Truman
  • What did Plessy v Ferguson rule?
    • The Jim Crow laws were not legal.
    • Segregation was legal if it was ‘separate but equal’.  ✓
    • Segregation was legal if it was 'separate but unequal'.
  • How did the NAACP challenge segregation?
    • They chose to fight racial injustice in the courts.  ✓
    • They used non-violent direct action.
    • They did sit-ins, marches and other forms of protests.