Starter quiz

  • What year did President Johnson begin peace negotiations between North and South Vietnam?
    • 1968  ✓
    • 1969
    • 1970
    • 1971
  • Which issue prevented negotiations from beginning quickly?
    • where the negotiations would take place
    • how long the negotiations would last for
    • what the menu would be during the negotiations
    • what shape the negotiating table would be  ✓
  • Who was Nixon in secret contact with during the 1968 presidential election?
    • Ho Chi Minh
    • Le Duc Tho
    • Ngo Dinh Diem
    • Nguyen Van Thieu  ✓
  • Place the events in chronological order.
    • 1
      Johnson begins peace negotiations with North and South Vietnam.
    • 2
      Nixon begins secret negotiations with North Vietnam.
    • 3
      North Vietnam begin the Easter Offensive.
    • 4
      The US begin Operation Linebacker.
    • 5
      A draft peace treaty is drawn up.
  • Which countries did Nixon make trips to in order to improve relations with whilst the peace negotiations were ongoing?
    • Cambodia
    • China  ✓
    • Laos
    • Thailand
    • USSR  ✓
  • Complete the sentence: Henry Kissinger publicly announced that " ______ is at hand" in reference to the draft peace treaty that he had helped to write.
    • 'peace' ✓