Starter quiz

  • To sit somewhere and refuse to move as a form of protest is know as a ______
    • 'sit-in' ✓
  • To ______ means to stop people being separated or kept apart by force.
    • 'Desegregate' ✓
  • Starting with the earliest, place these events into chronological order.
    • 1
      Four black students sit at a ‘white-only’ lunch counter in Woolworth’s.
    • 2
      300 students join the sit-in at Woolworth’s, Greensboro.
    • 3
      Sit-ins spread to 55 cities across 13 states.
    • 4
      Dining facilities across the south were being desegregated.
  • Which organisation was founded at Shaw University, North Carolina, in 1960?
    • SCLC
    • CORE
    • SNCC  ✓
  • In which two of the following events did SNCC play a leading role?
    • Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955-6)
    • Greensboro sit-in (1960)
    • Freedom Rides (1961)  ✓
    • Freedom Summer (1963)  ✓
  • Which organisation did Stokely Carmichael and some other leaders of SNCC join in the late 1960s?
    • SCLC
    • Black Power  ✓
    • NAACP