Starter quiz

  • Complete the sentence with a year: The Tonkin Gulf Resolution was passed on 7th August ...
    • '1964' ✓
  • What happened during the Gulf of Tonkin incident?
    • American ships were bombed by Chinese planes
    • American ships were attacked by North Vietnamese patrol boats  ✓
    • American ships were sunk by Soviet submarines
    • American ships were damaged after they collided with each other
  • What is meant by the term 'gulf'?
    • a game played with clubs and a small ball
    • a peninsula mostly or entirely made up of desert
    • an area of water between an island and the mainland
    • a deep inlet of a sea almost surrounded by land  ✓
  • What was the name given to the retaliatory bombing raid carried out by the US on a North Vietnamese petrol storage facility?
    • Operation Pierce Arrow  ✓
    • Operation Eagle Claw
    • Operation Desert Storm
    • Operation Overlord
  • What percentage of US citizens supported Johnson's response to the Gulf of Tonkin incident?
    • 33%
    • 55%
    • 85%  ✓
    • 100%
  • Place the events in the order in which they occurred.
    • 1
      Kennedy is assassinated, Johnson replaces Kennedy as US president
    • 2
      OPLAN 34A missions take place to assist ARVN raids
    • 3
      Gulf of Tonkin incident
    • 4
      Operation Pierce Arrow
    • 5
      Tonkin Gulf Resolution
    • 6
      Johnson wins presidential election