Starter quiz

  • Which country was the first in the world to adopt a communist government?
    • 'Russia' ✓
  • Why did anti-communist feeling in the US reduce during the Second World War?
    • America became communist
    • The US established profitable trade deals with communist countries
    • The US fought alongside communists against Nazi Germany  ✓
    • No countries were communist during the Second World War
  • Complete the sentence: The ______ War began in 1950, when the communist North invaded the democratic South.
    • 'Korean' ✓
  • Where was the Conference held in 1954 that divided Vietnam temporarily into North and South?
    • Paris
    • Berlin
    • Vienna
    • Geneva  ✓
  • Who was the unpopular prime minister of South Vietnam who persecuted Buddhists?
    • Ngo Dinh Diem  ✓
    • Bao Dai
    • Ho Chi Minh
    • Le Duc Tho
  • Which US president was the first to send aid and advisors to South Vietnam?
    • Truman
    • Eisenhower  ✓
    • Kennedy
    • Johnson