Starter quiz

  • What does the 'S' stand for in Johnson's BEAST approach to the war in Vietnam?
    • 'Search and destroy' ✓
  • Complete the sentence: Vietcong fighters were able to hide from US and ARVN troops in sophisticated ______ systems.
    • 'tunnel' ✓
  • What is meant by the term 'hotspot' in warfare?
    • the hottest part of someone or something
    • another name for a solar flare
    • a place of significant danger, activity or violence  ✓
    • a building with faulty heating
  • Complete the sentence with the correct year: The Tet Offensive began on 31st January ...
    • '1968' ✓
  • Approximately how many US soldiers lost their lives during the Tet Offensive?
    • 100
    • 1000  ✓
    • 10 000
    • 100 000
  • How did the Tet Offensive affect President Johnson's political career?
    • it made him so popular that he won the next election in a landslide
    • it led to Congress granting the president additional powers
    • it led to Congress removing some of the president's powers
    • it made him so unpopular that he decided not to stand for reelection  ✓