Starter quiz

  • Which story is this picture representing?
    Which story is this picture representing?
    • First, there were 7 children. Then, 2 more arrived. Now there are 9 children.  ✓
    • First there were 9 children. Then, 2 children left. Now, there are 7 children.
  • Which equation matches this number line?
    Which equation matches this number line?
    • 3 + 4 = 7  ✓
    • 7 - 4 = 3
    • 3 + 7 = 10
  • Which 'First, then, now' story is represented by this bar model?
    Which 'First, then, now' story is represented by this bar model?
    • First, Aisha had 6 pounds. Then, she spent 3 pounds. Now, she has 9 pounds.
    • First, Aisha had 9 pounds. Then, she spent 3 pounds. Now, she has 6 pounds.  ✓
    • First, Aisha had 6 pounds. Then, she spent 9 pounds. Now, she has 3 pounds.
  • What equation is shown on this number line?
    What equation is shown on this number line?
    • 5 + 4 = 9
    • 9 - 5 = 4
    • 9 - 4 = 5  ✓
  • Alex is collecting leaves. First, he picks up 5 leaves. Then, he picks up 4 more leaves. Now, he has ______ leaves.
    • '9' ✓
  • Aisha was collecting conkers. First, she had 10 conkers in a bag. Then, 7 fell out of the bag. Now, there are ______ conkers in the bag.
    • '3' ✓