Starter quiz

  • How many whole apples are in this group?
    How many whole apples are in this group?
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5  ✓
    • 6
  • How many whole pizzas are there here?
    How many whole pizzas are there here?
    • 4
    • 5  ✓
    • 6
    • 7
  • Is this a whole or a part of a cake?
    Is this a whole or a part of a cake?
    • whole  ✓
    • part
  • Is this a whole or a part of a pizza?
    Is this a whole or a part of a pizza?
    • whole
    • part  ✓
  • Alex is trying to make a whole pizza. Which parts could he use?
  • Sam thinks these parts can be combined to make a whole cake. Is Sam right?
    Sam thinks these parts can be combined to make a whole cake. Is Sam right?
    • yes  ✓
    • no
    • we can't tell