Starter quiz

  • What mistake has Andeep made in his count?
    What mistake has Andeep made in his count?
    • He said the wrong total.  ✓
    • He counted backwards.
  • Who has counted the cakes correctly?
    Who has counted the cakes correctly?
    • Andeep
    • Laura  ✓
  • Match the number words to the numbers.
    • 1
      one ✓
    • 2
      two ✓
    • 3
      three ✓
    • 4
      four ✓
    • 5
      five ✓
  • Which set has 5 objects?
    • Set 1
      Set 1
    • Set 2
      Set 2
    • Set 3
      Set 3  ✓
  • Andeep thinks there are 5 cars in the line. Is he correct?
    Andeep thinks there are 5 cars in the line. Is he correct?
    • Yes  ✓
    • No
  • Laura thinks there are 5 cars in the line. Is she correct?
    Laura thinks there are 5 cars in the line. Is she correct?
    • Yes
    • No  ✓