Starter quiz

  • How many apples are shown here?
    How many apples are shown here?
    • '13' ✓
  • What number comes next in the count? 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ______
    • '11' ✓
  • What number is missing in this sequence? 10, 11, 12, ______, 14
    • '13' ✓
  • Which number is in the middle of this number line?
    Which number is in the middle of this number line?
    • 4
    • 5  ✓
    • 6
  • Look at the number line. If 10 is the whole and 6 is a part, what is the missing part?
    Look at the number line. If 10 is the whole and 6 is a part, what is the missing part?
    • '4' ✓
  • Which place value chart represents the apples?
    Which place value chart represents the apples?