Starter quiz

  • What number comes next in the count? 6, 7, 8, 9 ______.
    • '10' ✓
  • What number is missing in this sequence? 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ______, 12
    • '11' ✓
  • How many apples are there?
    How many apples are there?
    • '6' ✓
  • How many oranges are there?
    How many oranges are there?
    • 10
    • 9  ✓
    • 8
  • Jun and Sofia are counting the pencils. Who is correct?
    Jun and Sofia are counting the pencils. Who is correct?
    • Sofia says, "I think there are fewer than 10 pencils."  ✓
    • Jun says, "I think there are more than 10 pencils."
  • How many pencils are there?
    How many pencils are there?
    • '7' ✓