Starter quiz

  • How many straws are shown here?
    How many straws are shown here?
    • '15' ✓
  • How many pencils are shown here?
    How many pencils are shown here?
    • '11' ✓
  • Which place value chart represents the ten frames?
    Which place value chart represents the ten frames?
  • Look at the image. Which addition does it represent?
    Look at the image. Which addition does it represent?
    • 17 = 10 + 7  ✓
    • 7 + 10 = 17  ✓
    • 17 + 10 = 7
  • Match the word to the correct numeral.
    • fourteen
      14 ✓
    • sixteen
      16 ✓
    • nineeen
      19 ✓
  • Match the teen number to the number of tens and ones.
    • 14 is one ten and
      4 ones ✓
    • 16 is one ten and
      6 ones ✓
    • 17 is one ten and
      7 ones ✓