Starter quiz

  • Look at the bar model. What is the whole?
    Look at the bar model. What is the whole?
    • '9' ✓
  • Look at the bar model. What is the missing part?
    Look at the bar model. What is the missing part?
    • '1' ✓
  • Which bar model represents the counters?
    Which bar model represents the counters?
  • Which set of counters will come next if we are ordering the partitions of 9 systematically?
    Which set of counters will come next if we are ordering the partitions of 9 systematically?
  • Lucas is going to clap 7 times. He has already clapped 2 times. How many more claps does he need to do?
    Lucas is going to clap 7 times. He has already clapped 2 times. How many more claps does he need to do?
    • '5' ✓
  • Match the whole to the correct two parts.
    • The whole is 5
      One part is 2 and the other part is 3 ✓
    • The whole is 7
      One part is 2 and the other part is 5 ✓
    • The whole is 8
      One part is 3 and the other part is 5 ✓