Starter quiz

  • What number is one more than 2?
    What number is one more than 2?
    • '3' ✓
  • What number is one less than 6?
    What number is one less than 6?
    • '5' ✓
  • Are these number cards in the correct order?
    Are these number cards in the correct order?
    • Yes
    • No  ✓
  • Which numbers cards are in the wrong order?
    Which numbers cards are in the wrong order?
    • 4 and 5
    • 5 and 6
    • 4 and 6  ✓
  • Are these number cards in the correct order?
    Are these number cards in the correct order?
    • Yes
    • No  ✓
  • Which numbers cards are in the wrong order?
    Which numbers cards are in the wrong order?
    • 6 and 7
    • 6 and 8  ✓
    • 7 and 8