Starter quiz

  • This card shows the number 6. Which picture shows one more than 6 bricks?
    This card shows the number 6. Which picture shows one more than 6 bricks?
  • Choose the correct number to complete this sentence. One more than 7 is <span class="blank">______</span>
    Choose the correct number to complete this sentence. One more than 7 is ______
    • 1
    • 8  ✓
    • 7
  • Which number card shows one more than the number of counters in the picture?
    Which number card shows one more than the number of counters in the picture?
  • Which is the correct sentence to match this picture?
    Which is the correct sentence to match this picture?
    • The number marked on the track is one more than 7
    • The number marked on the track is one more than 8  ✓
    • The number marked on the track is one more than 9
  • Are these numbers in the correct order for counting backwards?
    Are these numbers in the correct order for counting backwards?
    • True
    • False ✓
  • Which numbers are in the wrong order in the cards?
    Which numbers are in the wrong order in the cards?
    • 8 and 7
    • 7 and 6  ✓
    • 6 and 5